What is an anti-vaxxer?


An anti-vaxxer is an individual who is concerned about the potential toxic effects of a particular vaccine. It is difficult to scientifically prove a direct link between the vaccine and these toxic effects. However, the higher rates of problems such as autism that have been linked with some vaccines, make many individuals feel that the health risks of giving them to their babies and children is greater than the health risks associated with the illness that the vaccine is intended to prevent.

A Covid-19 anti-vaxxer is a term used to describe an individual who is concerned that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines have been insufficiently tested in terms of safety and efficacy, that the number of unusual deaths and permanent disabilities occurring very soon after the administration of the vaccine is unacceptably high, and that censorship is widely used to silence those who attempt to publicise them. 

“Anti-vaxxer” is also used as a pejorative term. To quote Dr Robert Malone: “Anti-vaxxer” is used to falsely shame people who do not take orders from public health officials. It’s similarly used to socially ostracize anyone who dissents to drug company propaganda. Malone gives as an example the BBC’s Trusted New Initiative which charges individuals for spreading “misinformation” if they speak out against vaccine propagandists.