Why are the Covid case figures so high, despite widespread vaccination?

pcr test

Maybe you see nothing wrong with the statement above? After all, if a rapid antigen test is not always sensitive enough to detect an infection, then surely a more sensitive PCR test is better? But if you dial up the sensitivity (aka “cycle threshold”) of the PCR test you’ll end up detecting a single molecule of RNA, not a virus. As the inventor of the PCR technology himself says, PCR is not intended for diagnosis. The following two short videos explain why inappropriately high cycle thresholds may account for the mystery of a high case rate/low death rate ratio.

Is this really happening? Surely the experts know what they’re doing?
Apparently it does happen.

New York Times: “Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn’t be?”


Is Whoopi Goldberg a case in point?

The triple-vaccinated Whoopi Goldberg suddenly “tested positive” for Covid after spending two weeks at home, where she had not “been anywhere or done anything” outside of her home, and she didn’t have any symptoms.


What about the UK?

Is there some hidden agenda in the UK aimed at pushing up the Cycle Threshold to increase the number of false positive test results? If people are frightened by the news headlines of high case figures, they are more likely to get vaccinated, right? Isn’t this medical terrorism if real case figures are actually much lower? How do we know what the real case figures should be?

This is the sticking point and is incredibly important. Even the Covid hospitalization and death figures seem to be in doubt, with whistle-blowers reporting that people are being registered as a Covid death when they didn’t have any Covid symptoms and obviously died from other causes like accidents. However if we do accept the Covid death figures, there is a noticeable anomaly in January 2022 that they don’t seem to accord with the high number of case figures. And many of the hospitalized cases registered as Covid infections are actually in hospital for entirely different conditions (see link below). Why? Who is giving the orders for this?


What is the cycle threshold (CT) used for the PCR test in the UK?

This information has been requested under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. This is the response from Public Health England:
“Currently there are over 80 different testing platforms in use across the various  networks of laboratories and the thresholds for result interpretation will be configured in each case by the manufacturers of the assays and the instrumentation. Each laboratory will regularly assess the performance of their assays within their local quality management system. The results are monitored in accordance with defined quality control procedures. Whilst each laboratory has a statutory duty to report positive cases to Public Health England, additional information such as Ct values in
the case of PCR tests, is not submitted.”

So it appears that each laboratory is responsible for its own Cycle Threshold setting.

We found CT settings used by two NHS Trusts. The Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust seems to have a reasonable CT of 25 to 28.

On the other hand if you live in the Liverpool area you seem to be classed as a Covid “case” by a CT as high as 38.

Has anybody raised a question in Parliament asking why the UK doesn’t enforce a standard CT setting for all PCR tests, that will ensure the minimum false positive results? A sympathetic MP can table a question or even an Early Day Motion. Although the answer may not be satisfactory, the authorities may be spurred into giving this some attention.

As we know, even if your test result is a false positive, all your contacts have to self-isolate, which is so disruptive to all our lives. We are in need of whistle-blowers to come forward and explain who calibrates the test equipment and where the orders are coming from when a cycle threshold is set too high.

asymptomatic usually means false positive
From Twitter

If you have any information about this, an organization of medical professionals that does a lot of active campaigning is www.ukmedfreedom.org. They would be glad to have you contact them.