Steps to take
- Join the right Union (see below)
- Study and familiarise yourself with the information from Lawyers for Liberty
- You are not obliged to divulge your vaccination status to your employer
- Use the template letters in the event of threats
- A contract of employment cannot be altered unilaterally. If you are fired, your employer has broken your contract and your union will help you with a claim.
Rest assured a lot of help is available – you are not alone. The law is on your side even if your employer makes you feel very vulnerable and scared. The organizations below specialize in helping you. They are all aware of the potential risk to life that the experimental vaccines represent.
Recommended Unions
You are stronger fighting together. A union representative is allowed to accompany you to meetings. NHS employees are recommending Workers of England and the National Employees Union to help you fight for your job.
Lawyers for Liberty
This is not a law firm, but you will find support, and templates of letters that you can write to your employer. Also listen to the whole video below from employment lawyer Anna de Buisseret (you may need to slide up the volume control). It gives very specific instructions for how to respond to employment threats. Basically any changes to a contract have to be agreed to by both parties, and this includes a contract of employment. If you perceive that what your employer is asking you to do is a threat to your life, then you have an absolute right to refuse. The law is on your side.
PJH Law Solicitors
PJH Law Solicitors will advise on whether you have a claim to Employment Tribunal related to any dismissal or resignation caused by an employer having a no jab no job policy, including care home workers, NHS staff and other public and private sector employers.
Or download this template letter to send to your employer
The UK Medical Freedom Alliance
They have many useful resources
The People’s Lawyer
1. Threatened with vaccination = COMMON ASSAULT
2. Actually vaccinated against your will or without consent = BATTERY
3. Your death is caused = MANSLAUGHTER
In no case should a collective community agreement … substitute for an individual’s informed consent’.
Explicit informed consent is required for medical research and this rollout counts as medical research.
An action campaign for NHS workers. For the time being the battle has been won but not yet the war. You should still keep visiting this site to keep up to date with events and news, letter templates etc.
UK ACTION Video channel
Video updates from campaigners Dr Sam white, Reiner Fuellmich, Mark Sexton and others, including updates on the progress of court cases.
Do you work for the NHS, a care home etc? Please consider becoming an anonymous whistle-blower. This organization will protect you
The Covid-19 Assembly
Do you need a job?
Registers of non-discriminating employers