Blood clots
Myocarditis and pericarditis
Ernest Ramirez from Austin TX. His only son collapsed playing basketball and passed away from myocarditis following the Pfizer vaccine (warning, distressing video)
- End of athlete cyclist’s career
- Professional footballer can no longer play
- Case report: death from vaccine-induced myocarditis
- Dr Joel Wallskog orthopaedic surgeon: end of career
- Case report 1
- Case report 2
- Case report 3 and review of literature
- Airline pilot can no longer fly
Bell’s palsy (partial facial paralysis) is a relatively common reaction to the vaccine but eventually goes away. Guillain-Barre syndrome is more serious and is also linked.
Reports from the public
- 38,000 people respond to Facebook post
- Senator Johnson panel (described by the media as “misinformation”)
- More from the vaccine mandate expert panel
- Workers in a bread factory
- CV Vax Reactions Website
Concerns about vaccinating children
More articles
- New Zealand nurse suffers pericarditis from Pfizer shot – put in hospital section for vaccine injured as she was the 7th patient admitted that day for heart issues following Covid shots
During 2021, 320 young athletes worldwide had major medical problems after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Many collapsed in the middle of a game due to a heart attack. More than 50% of these have died. These figures are easy to obtain since they are in the news. The majority must suffer anonymously.
Report an adverse reaction or fill out the form and search up to 500,000 records to get a personalised view of Coronavirus Adverse Vaccine Events (CAVE)
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