How effective are the Covid vaccines?


Steve Kirsch reports that the more we vaccinate, the higher the number of cases

According to recent figures, the unvaccinated are now less likely to become infected than the vaccinated

Vaccinated now more likely to be infected


And according to this report, 80 percent of Omicron variant cases are found in so-called fully vaccinated individuals. Only 19 percent of cases were identified in unvaccinated individuals.

Comparison of vaccine uptake with infection rates by state, in the United States

Open letter from Israeli immunologist: It’s time to admit failure

Bayesian analysis
At the very least, these results suggest that COVID-19 vaccine administration as a public policy over 80% of the time does not have a statistically significant causal impact of lowering total deaths or cases per million, but rather a statistically significant impact in increasing total deaths or cases per million associated with COVID-19 over and above what would have been expected if no vaccines were ever administered.