UK vaccine adverse event reports (Yellow Card)

yellow card uk

UK Yellow Card Reporting system (similar to VAERS)

Summary of covid vaccine suspected adverse events for the year up to December 1st 2021

Click the link to view or download this pdf file from the UK government website

As stated in the report, these are suspected, not proven complications. But there really is no way to prove the connection, so we have to use our own judgment to decide whether or not we find the link convincing. We should also note that the report’s statement: “At the time of this report, over 145,422 people across the UK have died within 28 days of a positive test for coronavirus” is equally unproven as far as whether these deaths were actually caused by the virus. I have come across a number of personal reports that relatives or patients actually died of diseases like Alzheimer’s or cancer and that the positive coronavirus test was far more likely to be coincidental.

Use this link to submit a report to the Yellow Card system (UK only)